Frequently Asked Questions

Questions frequently asked by applicants for blue cards in the Czech Republic.

Can I apply for a blue card and then look for a job in the CR?

No. A concluded employment contract is enclosed with a blue card application.

I am an EU citizen. Do I need a blue card?

No. As an EU citizen, you enjoy the same conditions on the labour market of the Czech Republic as do the citizens of the Czech Republic.

For what kind of jobs can a blue card be issued?

A blue card can only be issued for jobs that require a high level of qualification (completed university education or higher professional education where the studies took at least 3 years). An employment contract or pre-employment contract must be for a term of at least 6 months, for the statutory weekly work hours, and the agreed gross monthly or annual salary must correspond to at least a 1.5 multiple of the gross annual salary in the Czech Republic announced by a Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs communication.

Can I select more than one vacancy at one time?

An application can only be submitted for a single specific job for which you have concluded an employment contract. You can communicate with several potential employers about the possibilities of employmnet.

Can I have two blue cards at once?

No. When a new blue card is issued, the previous blue card expires, even if it has been issued by another EU Member State.

Will someone arrange accommodation for me?

You must arrange your own accommodation, or you can resolve the matter of accommodation with your employer in the Czech Republic. You must have your accommodation secured when you submit your blue card application.

Where can I find vacancies available for blue cards?

In the register of vacancies available for blue cards, which is accessible on the Internet.

Do I need the consent of my future employer for the blue card to be issued?

Yes. A concluded employment contract or pre-employment contract is enclosed with a blue card application.

What happens if the employer terminates my employment after some time?

You are obliged to inform the Ministry of the Interior of the termination of your employment or change of job position.

If your employment is terminated during the validity of your blue card, you can look for a new job in the register of vacancies available for blue cards and apply for an approval of a change in employer or job position. The application is submitted to an office of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior.

Important notice Your blue card will be cancelled if you are unemployed for more than 3 consecutive months and also if you become unemployed repeatedly during the validity of your blue card (this does not apply if your employment was terminated for any of the reasons listed in Section 52 a) to e) of the Labour Code or by agreement for the same reasons, or with an immediate termination pursuant to Section 56 of the Labour Code).

Reasons given in the Labour Code in Section 52 a) to e) or pursuant to Section 56

  1. termination of the employment upon notice from the employer or upon agreement, for these reasons:
    1. if the employer or a part of it ceases to exist,
    2. if the employer or a part of it is relocated,
    3. if the employee becomes redundant by virtue of a decision of the employer or a relevant authority about a change in his/her tasks, technical facilities, decreasing the number of employees for the purpose of increasing work efficiency, or other organisational changes,
    4. if the employee cannot continue in the job due to a work injury, work-related illness, or threat of this illness, according to a medical report issued by a preventative care facility or a decision by a relevant administrative authority that has reviewed a medical assessment, or if he/she has had the maximum permissible exposure at a workplace according to the decision of a relevant authority for protecting public health,
    5. if the employee has lost the long-term ability to continue in the job, due to his/her state of health, according to a medical report issued by a preventative care facility or a decision by a relevant administrative authority that has reviewed a medical assessment,
  2. Immediate termination of employment by the employee if:
    1. according to a medical report issued by a preventative care facility or a decision by a relevant administrative authority that has reviewed a medical assessment, he/she cannot continue to work without serious threat to his/her health and the employer has not enabled him/her, within in a period of 15 days from the presentation of this assessment, to do other suitable work, or
    2. the employer has not paid his/her wages or salary or the wage or salary compensation or any part of it within 15 days from the expiration of the payment period (Section 141 (1)).

What is the difference between a blue card and a work permit?

The work permit only allows you to work in the Czech Republic, but not to live here. You must have a valid residence permit in the Czech Republic to stay there.

A blue card, on the other hand, is both a work permit and a residence permit in the Czech Republic. The issuing procedure is simpler and faster.

What is the difference between the employee card and a blue card?

The issuance of an employee card is conditional on foreigner's monthly wage, salary or remuneration not being lower than the basic rate of the monthly minimum wage regardless of the extent of work. The weekly working hours must be at least 15 hours.

Additional major differences are listed in the comparison table.



Poslední aktualizace: 13. 8. 2023