Performance of Work by a Foreigner Posted by a Foreign Employer

An Employment Permit is also required from a foreigner who will carry out work in the territory of the Czech Republic under an employment relationship with the foreign employer that has posted the foreigner to carry out that work in order to perform tasks arising out a contract entered into with a domestic legal or natural entity.

For these foreigners, the main employment relationships are those between the foreign employer and the foreigner, i.e. the foreigner employed by the foreign employer and posted to the Czech Republic to carry out work there is remunerated according to an employment contract entered into with his or her employer. The employment contract entered into as well as health insurance and social security are usually governed by regulations applicable in the country of employer, with the employer being fully responsible for the content of the contract and for the fulfilment of the insurance.

Prior to entering into the contract under which foreigners will be posted to the territory of the Czech Republic to carry out work there, the domestic legal or natural entity which has entered into the contract with a foreign employer and to which the foreigner will be posted to perform tasks arising out of that contract is primarily obliged to discuss with the relevant regional office of the Public Employment Service the quantities and professions of posted employees and the periods for which they will be posted. The domestic legal or natural entity presents the information to the regional office of the Public Employment Service, using a special form ( specimen form for download (225,76 kB)).

The domestic legal or natural entity that has entered into the contract with a foreign employer and to which the foreigner will be posted to perform tasks arising out of that contract is obliged to notify the relevant regional office of the Public Employment Service of the foreigner’s starting work, and to do so within no later than the date on which the foreigner starts work (specimen notification for download).

This entity shall be responsible for ensuring that the foreigner has a valid Employment Permit and residence permit (mostly meaning the Employment Card within the meaning of § 42g, paragraph 3 of the residence act, which serves only as a permit for a long-term stay in the CR) for the entire duration of their posting by the foreign employer.

There is a special legal regulation for internal transfers of employees to the positions of managers, specialists and trainees employed within a branch enterprise or a business corporation (see Internal Employee Transfers section).

Poslední aktualizace: 4. 2. 2020